BUILD UP Skills Initiative

The BUILD UP Skills initiative, launched by the European Commission in 2011,
aims to up-skill construction professionals to deliver more high energy efficiency
building renovations and investments across Europe.

The initiative will improve the skills of blue-
and white-collar workers in Hungary,
thus improving the quality of the Hungarian building stock.


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What happened so far in the Hungarian building sector

What happened so far in the Hungarian building sector

Within the framework of the Build Up Skills initiative, five projects in Hungary have contributed to achieving the energy targets set by the European Union. 

The Build Up Skills Hungary (Pillar 1) BUSH project established a national platform of Hungarian construction and education professionals. With their support, the initiative assessed the domestic construction industry and construction education situation and developed a set of strategic proposals. The Pillar 2 TRAINBUD project aimed to train building services technicians in energy-efficient solutions. Under Build Up Skills, the TRAIN4SUSTAIN, BIMzeED, and BUS-GoCircular initiatives were implemented in Hungary to develop state-of-the-art training systems for construction workers.

Find out more about the initiatives!

What is happening now - ConstructSkills4LIFE

By revitalising the national platform, the CS4L project will aim
to develop an updated progress report and a National Roadmap.

Status Quo Analysis

The ConstructSkills4LIFE project aims to assess the changes
in the construction industry over the last ten years and to formulate
new needs (Status Quo Analysis). Based on these analyses,
the project will reinterpret the challenges in vocational training,
adult education and university education in the construction industry.

 The Status Quo Analysis is available to download here. 


Status Quo Analysis

National Roadmap

The project aims at updating the previous National Roadmap,
which aims at formulating actions and policy recommendations up to 2030,
with the involvement of the most relevant stakeholders in the sector.

The Roadmap is available to download here.

National Roadmap

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